Thursday, May 15, 2008

Alien: Resurrection (1997) -

Alien: Resurrection (1997)

Alien: Resurrection
Genre: Action, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller

Director: Jean-Pierre Jeunet

IMDB rating 6.00 / 10

Alien: Resurrection - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb)

Related tags: acid, alien, alien dna, android, anti hero, basketball, birth, bitterness, black comedy, black market, blood, bloody violence, bullet carom shot, bullet dodging, clone, computer, cryogenics, cynicism, death wish, disability, drowning, entrails, eugenics, exploding head, explosive decompression, flame thrower, fourth part, gene manipulation, genetic engineering, gore, gun, hand grenade, hit in crotch, human duplication, knife in thigh, laser cutter, long tongue, matricide, military, monster, mutation, nose bleeding, outer space, parasite, part computer animation, pistol, poetic justice, regeneration, robot, scalpel, scientist, sequel, sequel to cult favorite, shot in the head, shot through the mouth, skull crushing, sleeve gun, spacecraft, spit in the face, splatter, stabbed in the hand, swimming, swimming underwater, underwater, vacuum, video game, xenomorph

Taglines: Beyond salvation.Hell gives birth.It's already too late.It's been more than 200 years...The beginning has just started.Pray you die first.Witness the resurrection.
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Plot: 200 years after the conclusion of Alien 3, the company is able to resurrect Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) through the process of cloning and the scientists successfully take the Queen Alien out of her. But, Ripley's DNA gets mixed up with the Queen's and she begins to develop certain alien characteristics. The scientists begin breeding the aliens, but they later escape. Soon the Xeno-morphs are running amok on the ship, which is on course to earth. The Queen then gives birth to a deadly new breed of alien, which could spell disaster for the entire human race. It's up to Ripley and a band of space pirates to stop the ship before it reaches earth.